digital marketing online

Final Section: Step Twenty


digital marketing online

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Table of Contents


Getting Started

What to Outsource

Two Types of Outsourcing

Places to Look

Find the Money

Action Steps








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What is outsourcing? Let’s look at it in the movies. In years past, the studio did everything. They hired the writers, directors, actors, makeup people, productions assistants. They used their own in-house publicity people, advertising people, artists, even security people!

Now, a studio hires other companies to take care of most of that, and if the movie is an independent one, the producer must make sure all of that is done. He doesn’t, however, do it all himself. He hires other companies and people who do just those kinds of jobs and services. He “outsources” it.

The reason to have your own business is to have the money and the freedom to do what you want with your life, whether it be traveling, volunteering, writing, going to movies, working in your garden or simply sitting in your back yard with a cocktail and a good book. However, if you are doing everything in your business from writing the copy, creating the products, building the web sites, handling customer service, etc., there is little time left to “powder your nose”, much less sit and read.

That’s where outsourcing comes in. The idea is to find the things that suck your time or the things you are just not good at and get someone else to do them. The impact on your business will be profound.

You already outsource. If you have a toothache, you don’t generally drill, then fill your own tooth. Most people take their car to a mechanic, although that is something some love to do themselves. In your life, you have hired lawyers, accountants, possibly even house cleaning services. We don’t think twice about this. But when it comes to our business, we think we must do it all.

There are a lot of reasons for this. We think outsourcing will cost too much and drain our already limited resources. We feel no one can or will do the job as well as we can. We believe no one will have the passion for our business that we do. This last is true, but most tasks you will outsource won’t require that kind of passion, and for the more creative tasks, the person you are hiring will often have far more passion than you do for the task!

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    Another reason people don’t outsource is that many of the people who teach you to do it recommend you get the absolute cheapest workers and then negotiate them down. We all know instinctively that this won’t help our cause at all. Someone who is getting nothing to do a job will have to get a LOT of clients to make a living and won’t be able to spend the time to take care of you.

    In reality, spending a bit more will actually cost less in the long run.

    There is a lot to do to create a business. What you have been learning these past weeks proves that. Your job is to know what needs to be done, not necessarily to do it yourself.

    Another way to think of outsourcing is “delegating”.

    Besides hiring someone who is better at certain things than you, the other side is dealing with the “mundane” tasks that must be done. Yes, they must be done, but you don’t have to do them. If you have spent the time to list out exactly how to do them, you can hire someone, give them your, “first do this, then do this” list and send them on their way getting those tasks done so you can do much more important things.

    Okay, now that we know what outsourcing is, let’s look at …

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    How to Get Started

    The first thing to do is to figure out one thing that you can get someone else to do for you. Let’s repeat that:

    Figure out ONE THING that someone else can do.

    After you have done that, and have successfully outsourced it, you can do it for the next thing, then the next, but, as with a lot about being in business, if you try to get it all done at once you won’t get any of it done.

    What to Outsource

    There are several questions you can ask yourself to begin deciding what you can outsource.

    1. What is holding you back right now from having the income you want?

    What things that need to be done simply aren’t getting done? Some of the tasks you are getting done but hate can be outsourced later on, when you have more money at hand. We’ll talk about that in a bit. Nicole Dean Says, “Unfinished Products Make No Money”. If you have tasks that are ALMOST THERE, but you can’t seem to tip over the finish line, hire someone to finish them for you!

    2. What will make you the most money?

    Giving an admin task to someone else to free you up to create products will make you more money. Is there anything else that you can give to someone else to do that will free you up to make more money?

    Two Types Of Outsourcing

    1. Low skill jobs

    These can include anything from answering your email to helping you schedule your day to cleaning your house for you if that will free you up to make more money.

    2. High skill jobs

    These can include graphic art, article writing, sales copy writing, video editing and all those pesky tech tasks.

    Let’s look at some of these tasks.

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    In order to hire someone to write for you, there are several things to consider. Of course, you need to know what they will write for you. Is it copy writing? Article writing? Creating your eBook products?

    No matter what the specific task, you must know at least a bit of the topic yourself so you can guide your writer to know what to write and so you can see how well they did once they finished.

    When looking for a writer, check out their work. Ask for samples. Depending on the project, some writers will give you a questionnaire to fill out but have a general idea what you will need. For other projects, it is a very good idea to have an outline for them, even if it’s just a basic one. They don’t necessarily need to follow the outline in rigid order, but it will give them a starting off place.

    Again, when looking for a writer, don’t lowball. The least expensive writer is probably worth only the least payment. If you find someone on who will write your long form sales page for $5, chances are very good it won’t be the best sales page you’ve ever seen. If you want a quality writer, you’ll probably have to pay more.

    Of course, check their experience, get references or previous customer feedback. Check writing style, grammar, etc. Read something they wrote. If they don’t know a verb from a noun, they won’t do a very good job.

    Get recommendations! Find out who your friends and associates are using. A recommendation from someone you know is far more valuable than a good rating on some random web site.


    When hiring someone to create graphics for you, have a general idea of the colors you want, the type of imagery you’d like, etc. They may have suggestions, and listen to those, but you must give them a starting point.

    Also, know what the size of the graphic will be. Online, pictures are measured in pixels. The basic type of advertising banner is 468 x 60 pixels. The basic advertising blocks can be 125 x125, 250 x 250. If you are hiring someone to design a header for your site, most themes have a set size they require for the header image.

    We will look at where to go to find people in a bit, but, as always, get recommendations.


    One of the things that stop so many people in their tracks when creating online businesses is the tech stuff. And we think, because it’s an online business, we need to know how to do it all. Well, that’s just silly. A truck driver needs a truck, but doesn’t need to build it himself.

    There are several different kinds of services for online tech. One is the subscription service. For a set amount of money each month, you get a set amount of tech work done. Often, if you need more work in a specific month, that will be negotiable. (Geoff has a service like this that you can see at

    Project by project is another way. If doing that, it’s a good idea to start with one task, start small, then give them more once they begin to prove themselves. We have some sites you can use to find people at the end.

    Get recommendations! Did we say that, yet?

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    Customer Support

    Getting someone to help you with your customer support, or take it over entirely usually involves answer your emails. When doing this, you will need to give your person training about your business. Depending on how much you want them to handle for you, you will probably want to give them access to your products, and some training on their use. If you don’t do this, you’ll need them to forward those kinds of issue to you to handle. (Then, you can either answer the email directly or forward the answer back to your customer service person to send off to the customer.)

    Give them a list of all your download pages (or have them compile that list! Outsource your outsourcing!) Many customer service emails are simply from people who can’t remember how to access the product they’ve purchased.

    When hiring someone to handle your email, let them know what kind of emails to answer themselves (at the beginning, it might be wise for them to forward their answer to you for approval for a short time so you know they have it down) and what types of email to forward to you to handle.

    With all these types of outsourcing, one very important thing to have and develop is being able to communicate with them. Even if they are the best person for the job, if you don’t communicate well, you won’t get what you want and will have to spend your time (and more money!) getting it all done correctly.

    Now that we can see what to outsource…

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    Places to Look

    There are several sites that are designed exactly for this purpose. Be cautious, of course, and check the site out before you look for someone, and check the person you are considering out before you hire them.

    Here are some of the more popular sites to check out:

    However, as we’ve mentioned many time, a great idea is to ask friends and associates who they use. A reference is far more valuable than a random search.

    You can also check out forums – people often talk about who they used for their own business on forums. If they do, ask them how that went.

    And finally, hire your kids, grand-kids, neighborhood children to do stuff for you!

    Okay, I want to outsource, but how do I…

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    Find the Money

    If you are just starting out in your business, how to find the money to outsource a specific task, project or type of task can stop you. However, there are several ways to do it. They may seem silly, but we are serious:

      • Sell stuff on eBay
      • Sell stuff on your front lawn (in other words, a garage sale)
      • Have a bake sale
      • Outsource yourself if you have a skill other people want or need (outsource to

    If you’re already making some money online, try one of these:


      • Set aside a bit from every sale in a fund just for outsourcing
      • Designate the proceeds from one single product to fund your outsourcing
      • Designate the proceeds from one specific client for that purpose
      • Make a special offer (this can be very powerful if you need some money in ashort time for a specific tack. Make an offer with a discount coupon or specialbonus for a limited amount of time. Just be aware that, often, most of the saleswill come on the last day of the offer period, so don’t just promote it at thebeginning!)

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    Action Steps

    Figure out one task or project that you can outsource

    Figure out how you can pay for it

    Look at some of the sites we recommend and ask your associates who they use

    Outsource that project or task

    Congratulation! You have now finished the Lights, Camera, Take Massive Action
    course! You are now well on your way to a profitable online business.

    Next week:

    The final review!

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